双语有声阅读:Pirate 海盗(在线收听

A Pirate's Tale-Talks-Accident
A pirate walked into a bar and ordered a whiskey.The bartender noticed that,like any self-respecting pirate,this guy had a peg leg,a hook in place of one of his hands and a patch over one eye.
The bartender asked the pirate,"How did you lose your leg?"The pirate responded,"I lost my leg in a battle off the coast of Jamaica!"
His new acquaintance was still curious,so he asked,"What about your hadn.Did you lose it at the same time?" "No,"answered the pirate."I lost it to the sharks off the Florida Keys."
他这位新认识的朋友很好奇的又问:“那你的手呢,是在同一次战役中失去的吗?”“不是”海盗回答说:“那是在Florida Keys(地名)那里被沙鲨鱼咬去了。”
Finally,the bartender asked,"I notice you also have an eye patch.How did you lose your eye?"The pirate answered,"I was sleeping on a beach when a sea gull flew over and crapped right in my eye."The bartender was puzzled,"How could a little sea gull crap make you lose your eye?"The pirate snapped,"It was the day after I got my hook!"