
Third, half of the art of making tea lies in getting good water with a keen edge; mountain spring water comes first, river water second, and well water third; water from the tap, if coming from dams, being essentially mountain water and satisfactory.
第三,烹茶的艺术一半在于择水,山泉为上,河水次之,井水更次,水槽之水如来自堤堰, 因为本属山泉,所以很可用得;
Fourth, for the appreciation of rare cups, one must have quiet friends and not too many of them at one time.
Fifth, the proper color of tea in general is a pale golden yellow, and all dark red tea must be taken with milk or lemon or peppermint, or anything to cover up its awful sharp taste.
Sixth, the best tea has a "return flavor" (hueiwei), which is felt about half a minute after drinking and after its chemical elements have had time to act on the salivary glands.
Seven, tea must be freshly made and drunk immediately, and if good tea is expected, it should not be allowed to stand in the pot for too long, when the infusion has gone too far.
Eight, it must be made with water just brought up to a boil.
Nine, all adulterants are taboo, although individual differences may be allowed for people who prefer a slight mixture of some foreign flavor (e.g., jasmine, or cassia).