2015格莱美 年度专辑《Morning Phase》-Beck(在线收听

《Morning Phase》是Beck于2014年02月24日发行的第12张专辑。2015年第57届格莱美颁奖典礼上,Beck凭借《Morning Phase》获得最佳摇滚专辑奖以及年度专辑奖两项格莱美大奖。

Morning - Beck

Woke up this morning

from a long night in the storm

Looked up this morning,

saw the roses full of thorns

Mountains are falling,

they don't have nowhere to go

The ocean's a diamond,

only shines when you're alone

Can we start it all over again

this morning?

I lost all my defenses this morning

Won't you show me

the way it used to be?

We've gone all around

til there's nothing left to say

Wore it all down into something

that couldn't be saved

Tore it all down

and buried me underneath the weight

Can we start it all over again

this morning?

I let down my defenses this morning

It was just you and me this morning

I've run all out of guesses this morning

Won't you show me the way

it could've been?
