
当她出现在公众面前,她的衣着不会像是在尖叫“看看我!”, 而像是在说“这就是我……其实并不比你好。”
Hepburn, the Actress
My mother’s acting career was a second choice, a default choice. But the rules were the same as in ballet: hard wok, discipline and professionalism. “Less is more” was at the core of my mother’s basic “look” philosophy.
Style is a word we often use, for a multitude of purposes. In the case of my mother it was the extension of an inner beauty reinforced by a life of discipline, respect for the other, and hope in humanity. She didn’t go with the trends, didn’t reinvent herself every season. She loved fashion but kept it as a tool to compliment her look.
When she appeared, her clothes didn’t scream out, “Look at me!” but, “This is me … no better than you.” And she truly believed in that. She didn’t see herself as anything special or unusual, which is why she worked so hard and was always pleasant and professional. Her style was only an extension of who she was, the person we all admired, because down deep we knew that what we saw was not just clever packaging but an honest and 100 percent genuine human being.
当演员是母亲的第二个选择,一个不得已的选择。但她还是用对待芭蕾的态度来对待她的演艺事业:努力工作,自律而专业。 “少就是多”是我母亲基本的打扮哲学核心。
当她出现在公众面前,她的衣着不会像是在尖叫“看看我!”, 而像是在说“这就是我……其实并不比你好。”她深深地相信着这一点。 她不认为自己特别或与众不同。因此,她努力工作着,而且总是投入并感到愉快。她的风格只是她个人的外延——一个我们都欣赏的人, 因为我们深知我们所看到的赫本不是只有着精美外在包装的人,而是一个诚实的、百分百真实的人。