美国有线新闻 CNN 2016-7-05(在线收听) |
AZUZ: You don`t have to look very hard to find someone who`s had to get braces, but -- well, yes. This is Wesley. He`s a six-month-old Golden Retriever, and guess what? Braces. 发现某人不得不装一副矫牙套看起来没有那么困难。但——的确很难。这是卫斯理。它是一只六个月大的黄金猎犬,猜猜结果怎样?它需要安装矫牙套。 Wesley`s teeth were so crooked that he had trouble closing his mouth. So, a local vet and this is not the first time they’ve done this, wired Wesley up for six weeks. He got a discount from the usual $1,700 fee. And aside from having to eat soft foods, Wesley is all smiles. 卫斯理的牙齿位置没长好,以至于它的嘴巴闭不上。因此,卫斯理需要戴牙套进行矫正,时间为六周,当地的兽医已经不是第一次为狗狗矫正牙齿。通常需要花费1700美元,但卫斯理获得优惠。除了只能吃柔软的食物之外,卫斯理要一直保持着微笑。 We`re glad he`s getting everything straightened out. He’s certainly retrieving a lot of attention online. Now, brace yourself, you know what it takes to get a canine`s teeth fixed up? A really good orthodontist. 我们很高兴它想通了一切。它在网上获得了大量关注。现在,振作起来,你知道如何使狗狗拥有一排整齐的牙齿,一名非常好的牙齿矫正医师。 I`m Carl Azuz. Hope to see you tomorrow. |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/cnn2016/7/373325.html |