美国有线新闻 CNN 2016-7-11(在线收听) |
AZUZ: Make sense that a race is easier when you have four legs. This is Ludivine. She`s a hound dog. She lives in Alabama. A couple of weeks ago, her owners let her out one more and Ludivine took off. She met up with some people at the start of a half marathon decided to join them and here`s the awesome part. Even though Ludivine stopped to sniff some other animals and play in the water, she finished the whole race in 7th place out of 165 runners. 当你有四条腿时比赛会变得更加容易,这句话言之有理,这是 Ludivine,她是一只猎狗,居住在阿拉巴马州。几周以前,她的主人让她再次独自从家里出来“放风”。她闲逛到小镇上举行的半程马拉松起点,便“兴致勃勃”地加入了这场路跑比赛。接下来是最棒的部分,尽管Ludivine时不时停下来嗅嗅,和其他一些动物“打招呼”并且在溪水里玩耍,她仍以第7名的成绩完成了整个比赛,超过165名赛跑者。 Now, maybe some jealous runners would have called that mush. The runaway ran away with the top story of the day and folks are probably dog-tired of hearing about it, though they maybe they`re relieved she didn`t bark any records. 现在,有些嫉妒的赛跑者或许会觉得很感伤。当天头条铺天盖地,并且听到汪星人获得半程马拉松比赛的第七名的消息,那些赛跑者可能是筋疲力尽的,尽管他们或许会因为她并没有打破任何记录而感到如释重负。 Luvidine`s owners don`t even run, though. So, in hound-sight, they don`t seem to mind being hounded about their hound`s marathon achievement. 然而Luvidine的主人也不爱运动。因此,他们似乎并不介意自己猎犬的马拉松成绩被打破。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/cnn2016/7/373349.html |