世行未能完成节约目标 净节省只有2亿美元(在线收听

   The World Bank is set to make net savings that are half the size of a much-touted $400m target as administrative costs rise on a surge in lending, despite a contentious reorganisation pushed through by Jim Yong Kim, its president.

  尽管世界银行(World Bank)行长金墉(Jim Yong Kim)推行了一场引发争议的重组,但由于放贷激增引发行政管理成本上升,世行能实现的净节省只有大肆吹捧的4亿美元目标的一半。
  The World Bank’s revenues are coming under pressure from low interest rates and a slowdown in emerging economies, with leading parts of the bank this month reporting their weakest results since the 2008 global financial crisis.
  The difficult financial picture illustrates the pressures facing Mr Kim as he seeks a second five-year term and continues a push to both reinvent the Washington-based institution and aggressively increase its lending in the face of rising competition from new players.
  Mr Kim, who with the backing of big shareholders such as the US and China is widely expected to be reappointed within weeks, has staked his presidency on a controversial reorganisation of the bank.
  A $400m reduction in costs by the end of the current fiscal year is one of its major goals.
  Frustration with the restructuring led the bank’s staff association to declare it was facing a crisis of leadership this month and to call for the board to search for a replacement to Mr Kim.