


Refugee Farmers Reestablish Ties to the Land as They Connect to Community 难民身份的农民通过社区重建与美国的联系


More than half of the refugees who are resettled in the U.S. each year come from agricultural backgrounds. And they are bringing valuable farming skills as they rebuild their lives in their new communities.

Every Thursday morning, Dhan Subba and other refugee farmers clean and sort a variety of vegetables they have just harvested.

每个周四的早晨,Dhan Subba和其他难民身份的农民将他们刚刚收获的各种蔬菜清洁并分类好。

“I like to work on the farm because I can grow my own food and eat healthy,”


The Bhutanese refugee lived in a camp in Nepal for 18 years before he was admitted to the U.S. six years ago.


“I am glad that I can use the skills that I got from farming in Nepal and I am applying them here,”


Subba and other refugees from all over the world are participating in the International Rescue Committee’s New Roots program.The program, which uses vacant lots in urban areas for small-scale farming,started 10 years ago in San Diego, California.It has since spread to more than 20 cities across the country, including Charlottesville, Virginia.


“New Roots really has a lot of different parts.First and foremost, it’s a chance for people to use the skills that they’ve already had in gardening and farming. But it’s also a chance for people to meet their neighbors and interact with the community and bring home healthy food.Now, we have almost nine acres of growing space all over the city,"


These farmers grow a wide variety of produce--some of which are common back home but unfamiliar in American grocery stores.


As part of its New Roots program, IRC also offers the Micro Producer Academy,where refugees can learn sustainable farming and small business skills,resulting in an additional source of income.


“What we do there is take the skills and knowledge that everybody has and talk about how to apply it to the US.A lot of people have grown on very big space,and here you have to grow on very small space. We also talk about marketing, and pricing, and the seasons in the U.S.,”


The refugees sell their produce directly to local restaurants.


“Their produce is exceptional.You can tell that they spend a lot of time, a lot of care, a lot of love goes into whatever they grow,”


They also transform empty lots like this one into weekly vibrant markets where low income neighbors, especially refugees, can buy fresh produce at affordable prices.But they are not the only customers.


“I come every week.The vegetables are beautiful and freshly picked.I have lots of recipes to use for them, and the prices are extremely reasonable,” The refugees may not be able to quit their jobs to farm full-time, Brooke Ray said,but the program is helping them build strong roots in their new communities.

“我每个星期都会来。这些蔬菜很漂亮,都是新鲜采摘的。我有很多菜谱都可以用到它们,它们的价格也是极其合理的。”Brooke Ray说虽然难民们或许不能辞掉他们的工作到农场里全职工作,但是这个项目正在帮助他们在新的社区里很好地生根立足。
