
   As bad news anymore Every day you receive a steady stream of sensationalism and scandal and stories with a message.

  That suggest change isn't possible that you can't make a difference that you won't be able to close that gap.
  Between life as it is and life as you want it to be My job today is to tell you don't believe it.
  Because as tough as things have been I am convinced you are tougher i've seen your passion and i've seen your service.
  因为尽管困难很大但我坚信你们的能力更大我看到过你们的激情 我看到过你们的奉献
  I've seen you engage and i've seen you turn out in record numbers i've heard your voices amplified by creativity.
  我看到过你们的投入我看到过你们挺身而出 人数空前我听到了你们的声音 创意
  And a digital fluency that those of us in older generations can barely comprehend i've seen a generation eager.
  Impatient even to step into the rushing waters of history and change its course And that defiant.
  跃跃欲试的一代人准备跻身历史激流中 扭转其方向这种蔑视困难
  Can-do spirit is what runs through the veins of American history It's the lifeblood of all our progress And it is that spirit which we need your generation.
  积极进取的精神贯穿于整个美国历史的进程这种精神是我们一切进步的源泉此时此刻 我们需要你们这一代继承