Love actually《真爱至上》视频精讲之二(在线收听) |
Denial: Joe and I had a lot of time to prepare for this moment, some of her requests, for instance that I should bring Claudia Schiffer as my date to the funeral. I was confident she expected me to ignore. But others she was pretty damn clear about, when she first mentioned what's about to happen. I said: "Over my dead body". And she said: "No Daniel, over mine!" And as usual, my darling girl and Sam's darling mum was right, so she's going to say her final farewell to you not through me but, inevitably, ever so coolly, through the immortal genius of the Bay City Rollers. 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. Prepare for this moment 为这个时刻做准备。也许在我们的一生当中,曾经或将要经历很多个不同的时刻,开心的,痛苦的, 2. Claudia Schiffer
“对某样东西或某件事情非常确信”。其实这句话Daniel 本可以说 pretty clear about... 但是他偏偏要在中间加一个damn,很多人听到这儿的时候,总会想这是一个不好的词,但是为什么会用在这里。其实当老外讲到这个词的时候不一定就是“TMD”的意思,更多的时候是为了强调,比如:“我是相当的确信。I'm pretty damn sure about that!” 4. over my dead body 5. Say her final farewell to you Farewell这个词是在日常生活中很少用的,我们常说的是goodbye。farewell相对更正式,更庄重一些。Say her final farewell to you 指的就是“向你们道别”。打个比方,由于工作关系,某人被调到很远的地方去,在临行之前一定要和朋友们道别一下,to say her / his farewell to her / his good friends。 文化面面观 Bay City Rollers 考考你 用今日所学将下面的句子翻译成英语。 1.对于这一点,我是非常清楚的。 2. 这是不可能的事。 3. 我得和Steve 到个别再走。 Love actually《真爱至上》精讲之一 考考你 参考答案 1. 我总是对我的前途感到焦虑。 2. 我们要学会面对困难,因为即使逃避,困难也还会在那儿。 |
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