Monalisa Smile《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》视频精讲之六(在线收听) | ||
Betty: Excuse me, Mother. Miss Watson, can you help me get in touch with a friend of yours in Greenwich Village? Mrs. Warren: What do you need in Greenwich Village? Betty: An apartment. I filed for a divorce this morning. And since we know I'm not welcome at your house. You remember Giselle Levy? What did you call her? A New York kike. That's it. Well, we're going to be roommates. Giselle: Hi. You ready? Betty: Yeah. Katherine: Greenwich Village? Betty: Yeah. For a while. Then, who knows? Maybe law school. Yale, even. Katherine: Well, I wouldn't want to come up against you in any court anywhere. Betty: Maybe I can drop by next year? Keep you on your toes. You will be here? Miss Watson? Katherine: Dear Betty, I came to Wellesley because I wanted to make a difference. But to change for others... Betty: to lie to yourself. My teacher Katherine Watson lived by her own definition and would not compromise that, not even for Wellesley. I dedicate this, my last editorial to an extraordinary woman who lived by example and compelled us all to see the world through new eyes. By the time you read this, she'll be sailing to Europe, where I know she'll find new walls to break down, and new ideas to replace them with.
Betty: I've heard her called a quitter for leaving, an aimless wanderer. But not all who wander are aimless. Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image. Cab driver: Get the hell out of the way! Betty: I'll never forget you. 妙词佳句,活学活用 1 come up against 2. Keep you on your toes. If you say that someone or something keeps you on your toes, you mean that they cause you to remain alert and ready for anything that might happen. Toe 还有一些其它的习语: 3. Compel 这是个常用词,但是作者在上课的过程中发现这个词经常成为大部分同学的听力障碍,换言之,这个词不是那么多人熟悉它,所以在这里把它单拎出来解释一下。 文化面面观 Greenwich Village (美国纽约市作家等聚居的)格林威治村
A residential section of the borough of Manhattan, New York City, usually regarded as comprising the area within West 14th Street on the north, Broadway on the east, West Houston Street on the south, and the Hudson River on the west. Although modern apartment buildings have been constructed, many of the district's 19th-century buildings remain, lining its narrow, winding streets. The hub of Greenwich Village is Washington Square Park, which contains Washington Arch. The New School for Social Research and the main campus of New York University are located here. Greenwich Village was settled in colonial times by residents of New York City, which was then confined to the region south of Wall Street. By the mid-19th century, the Village had become an integral part of New York. In the 1880s immigrants moved into the area in increasing numbers. Shortly after 1900, Greenwich Village began to attract artists, writers, actors, and political theorists from all parts of the U.S. In the 1970s Greenwich Village began to lose its dominance of new artistic and cultural trends in New York to SoHo, a neighborhood to the south. 思想火花 1953年的美国,时代正处于转变之中,妇女解放运动进行得如火如荼。虽然女性的地位渐渐收到重视,但在上层社会保守思想依然非常严重,在韦尔斯利这所著名的女子学校,学院对学生的教育并不是教他们如何获得自己感兴趣的学科知识,也不是重视心理教育,而是常以女学生的结婚对象作为衡量其地位的标准,把学生的成功与否定义为以后的婚姻。她们学习的目的就是嫁个好丈夫。标榜着女性独立自主的茱莉亚·罗伯茨成为保守校院里的怪女人,不过在她的引领下,一票女生却受到她的影响和启发,大胆选择更宽广的人生道路。 这个片段是影片的结尾,我们能看到这些受凯瑟琳影响的女生对她依依不舍的样子,尤其是过去最保守的贝蒂,而影片结尾处的这个段落的语言写得也非常漂亮,经常被一些英语学习节目拿来做范本,希望大家在欣赏影片的同时也能欣赏这段台词。 考考你 Monalisa Smile《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》精讲之五 考考你 参考答案 1. 每次一碰到这个家伙,我就会被他的喋喋不休困住。 2. 星期六的晚会你来吗? 3. 不好意思,我给你的材料中有一处笔误。 | ||
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