The Graduate 《毕业生》(视频精讲之四)(在线收听) |
Mr. Robinson: Swell. I appreciate it. Ben: She's upstairs. She wanted me to wait down here till you got home. Mr. Robinson: Standing guard over the old castle, are you? Ben: Yes, sir. Mr. Robinson: Here. Congratulations! It looks like you need a refill. Ben: Oh no. I've got to go. Mr. Robinson: Is anything wrong? You look a little shaken up. Ben: Oh no. No - I'm just - I'm just a little worried about my future. I'm a little upset about my future. Mr. Robinson: Come on. Let's have a nightcap together. Scotch? Ben: Bourbon. Mr. Robinson: Ben - how old are you now? Ben: Twenty. I'll be twenty-one next week. Mr. Robinson: That's a hell of a good age to be. Ben: Thank you. Thank you very much. Mr. Robinson: I wish I was that age again. Because, Ben - Ben: Sir? Mr. Robinson: You'll never be young again. Ben: I know. Mr. Robinson: Ben, can I say something to you? Ben: What? Mr. Robinson: How long have we known each other now? How long have you and I known each other? How long have your Dad and I been partners? Ben: Quite a while. Mr. Robinson: I've watched you grow up, Ben. Ben: Yes, sir. Mr. Robinson: In many ways I feel as though you were my own son. Ben: Thank you. Mr. Robinson: So I hope you won't mind my giving you a friendly piece of advice. Ben: I'd like to hear it. Mr. Robinson: Ben - I think - I think you ought to be taking it a little easier right now than you seem to be. Sow a few wild oats. Take things as they come. Have a good time with the girls and so forth. Mrs. Robinson: Don't get up. Mr. Robinson: I was just telling Ben here that he ought to sow a few wild oats. Have a good time while he can. You think that's sound advice? Mrs. Robinson: Yes, I do. Ben: I've got to go. Mr. Robinson: You have yourself a few flings this summer. I bet you're quite a ladies' man. Ben: Oh no. Mr. Robinson: What? You look to me like the kind of guy who has to fight them off. (to Mrs. Robinson) And doesn't he look to you like the kind of guy who has to fight them off? Mrs. Robinson: Yes, he does. 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. swell Swell 在非正式用语中是“精彩的;优秀的”的意思,相当于excellent,wonderful。例如:had a swell time 过得极为开心。 2. shaken up 例如:He looked shaken up when he saw you. 他看到你的时候非常惶恐。 3. Let's have a nightcap together. Nightcap是指晚上睡觉前的饮料,通常都是酒精饮料,这里指“晚上喝的最后一杯酒”。 4. That's a hell of a good age to be. hell of a 是口语用法,表示强调,相当于very。Hell of a 这个短语的意思不是很明确,需要根据上下文的语境来决定。比如:He is a hell of a driver. 既可以表示“他是个好司机”,也可以表示“他的驾驶技术很烂”。 5. to take it a little easier 相当于take it easy。 6. Sow a few wild oats 这是一个俗语,指年轻人到处谈情说爱,寻欢作乐。A silly and old-fashioned expression meaning to have sexual adventures with lots of different girls. "To sow" is literally to scatter seed, and oats are a type of cereal. 7. You have yourself a few flings this summer 8. You're quite a ladies' man. 文化面面观 酒(liquor)之种种
由于酒的原料,酒精含量proof,性质相差千差万别,酒的分类也有许多。 以酒的性质划分,可分为三大类:(1)发酵酒类fermented liquor,包括葡萄酒wine、啤酒beer、米酒sake和苹果酒cedar等。(2)蒸馏酒类distilled liquor,包括威士忌whisky、白兰地brandy、朗姆酒Rum等以及众多的中国白酒。(3)精炼和综合再制酒类,包括金酒gin、利口酒(甜露酒)liqueur、味美思Vermouth等。 Mrs. Robinson喝的Bourbon是一种美国威士忌。 Mrs. Robinson与本在酒店约会,要了一杯马提尼酒(martini)。这是一种混合酒,由Vermouth(味美思)和gin(金酒)调配而成。 Jin以稞麦、玉米等为原料,发酵后,再蒸馏出酒精度很高的酒液,加入杜松子(juniper berries)和其他香料,再次蒸馏而成。最早由荷兰人发明,作为药剂,现在是英国劳动大众的最爱。
白兰地则是用葡萄以及各种水果为原料,经过发酵、蒸馏等过程酿造而成的酒,酒精度数为80。白兰地要放入木桶中,长年贮藏使它成熟。所以白兰地的前身其实就是白葡萄酒。说到白兰地,全世界公认是法国的最好,而法国的白兰地中又以干邑白兰地为最。有一句名言:All cognac is brandy but not all brandy is cognac.干邑白兰地产自法国西南的一个古老小镇干邑(Cognac)。 白兰地贮存时间越久越好。法国白兰地用字母或星来表示酒贮存时间和长短。V.S.(very special)为12-20年陈的白兰地酒;V.S.O.P (very special old pale)为20-30年陈的白兰地酒;X.O(extra old)一般指40年陈的白兰地酒。世界上最有名的白兰地有:轩尼诗,马爹利,人头马等。 考考你 请用对白中的表达方法翻译一下句子。 The Graduate 《毕业生》(精讲之三)考考你 参考答案 1. --你什么时候有空,我想请你吃饭。 2. --我这次回北京想看看老同学,跟他们聊一聊。你能帮忙联系一下吗?(安排一下) 3. --你昨天看了《疯狂的石头》。觉得怎么样? |
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