Legends of the fall 《燃情岁月》(视频精讲之六)(在线收听) |
Isabel II: I think you missed a bump, Stab. Stab: (says something in an Indian language) Tristan: Who taught you how to drive anyway? Tristan: Jesus! Man1: Sir! We have information that you're transporting goods in violation of the Volstead Act. Tristan: If you mean a case of Irish whiskey for my father, I am. Man1: I have to ask you to give it up. Tristan: He'll be a bit disappointed. No! Man1: Jesus. O'Banion the younger: Hold him down. O'Banion the older: Let's get out of here, John P. O'Banion the younger: There's an envelope in his pocket. O'Banion the older: Now, John P. O'Banion the younger: My brother told you to stay out of our way. Pick him up and put him in the car. Colonel Ludlow: I don't want to see him. Tristan: Father? Colonel Ludlow: I don't wanna see him. Alfred: Tristan, I'm sorry. I'm so very sorry. Father won't see me. Even now? Tristan: He blames the government for Isabel's... Alfred: Tristan, there's something we have to talk about. The officer you beat, he almost died. Everyone understands... but they say that you're gonna have to plead guilty, serve 30 days.
Alfred: He was... reprimanded. Tristan: And the O'Banions? Alfred: Nothing. You have to let it go, Tristan. It was a terrible, tragic accident. Tristan, listen to me. You let this go now. You got in over your head. Tristan: I need a minute. 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. Hold him down. 把一个人按住要怎么说?就是hold one down。比如一群人开玩笑,要把某个人按住了痒痒他,就可以说:Hold him down! 2. plead guilty “服罪,承认罪行”的意思。这是一个法律术语。在严格的法律用语中,可以说一个人 plead guilty 或 plead not guilty,但不能用 plead innocent。然而在非法律文章中 plead innocent 却有广泛的使用。我们来看一个例子: Former NBA and Virginia star Ralph Sampson has agreed to plead guilty to mail fraud and serve two months in jail. 3. serve 30 days “入狱服刑30天。”如上例所言,拉尔夫·辛普森要 serve two months in jail。 4. let it go “事情已经如此,接受这个事实”吧! 例如:Susannah has married a millionaire. You have to let it go. 5. You got in over your head. Over one's head 的意思是 to a position higher than one's head。这里 Alfred 的意思是Tristan 做得出格了,got in a position he can't handle。 地头蛇O'Banions兄弟为了保证自己贩卖私酒的利益,不惜以武力和权势威胁小酒贩子Tristan。他们有国会和警察撑腰。当他们误杀Isabel II后,不但没受到任何惩罚,还把Tristan以贩卖私酒的名义送进了监狱。可见社会的黑暗。 影评鉴赏
《票房》杂志1995年2月号评论到:《LEGENDS OF THE FALL》是一部色彩鲜艳、华丽的作品,它有详尽的细节描写和丰富的感情色彩。布拉德·皮特……在本片中的表演十分出色。他一出现就有强烈的吸引力,令人回想起他在另一部蒙大拿的历史剧《大河恋》中的出色表演。女演员朱莉娅·奥蒙德在LEGENDS OF THE FALL中塑造了一个有血有肉、形象丰满的苏珊娜。但是,由于受到剧本的限制,所以她没有更多发挥余地。尽管如此,崔斯汀和苏珊娜的爱情仍然使人十分信服,它作为影片的主线将发生在如此漫长时间里的众多事件有机地连接在一起了。 《洛山矶时报》评论:《LEGENDS OF THE FALL》描写的一切都在表明这是一部史诗片,这是一部非常罗曼蒂克和多愁善感的老式影片,我们已有一段时间没有看到这类影片了。影片的节奏缓慢甚至有时迟钝,但影片的可观性强。这个故事的有眼泪、责骂、情欲、受难、以及你可以想象出的任何高于生活的感情。不可否认这部影片是赏心悦目的。 小编感言 Legends of the fall这部电影也算是风光无限、深入人心了。它曾获1995年奥斯卡最佳摄影,最佳美工指导,最佳音响等三项提名以及1995年美国金球奖最佳影片,最佳导演,最佳男演员,最佳原创音乐4项提名。 但是,令很多影迷遗憾至今的是,这部电影一个奖项也没捞到。这又是为什么呢? 其实,这部电影没得奖是有深刻原因的!皆因电影反映了一个逆世界大潮的主题。是什么呢?
光是宣扬这荒谬的理论还不止,影片还用了不少血腥镜头来展示崔斯汀的战果,真是触目惊心啊!那匹可怜的斑马躺在地上被人开膛破肚的样子,谁看了都要掩面。 如此名目仗胆的宣扬屠杀动物的行为岂能不受到全世界动物爱好者、保护者的反对?就是非动物保护者看了也要动容。奥斯卡和金球的评委们不会不注意到这个逆公众潮流的论调,所以,很英明的没有把奖项颁给这部电影,实在是眼光长远,要不然,还不得被现在狂热的动物保护主义者口诛笔伐、围追堵截啊! |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/video/engmovie/37990.html |