
A Dangerous Delusion: Why the West is Wrong about Nuclear Iran - that's a book co-written by the political commentator of the Daily Telegraph Peter Oborne, and David Morrison. The book says it's an attempt to avert global catastrophe by showing that the grounds for a war against Iran led by Israel and its allies do not exist - this in the wake of recent comments like these from western leaders. 
《危险错觉》一书中提及为什么西方会有伊朗核危机的错觉,这本书是由《每日电讯报》时事评论员Peter Oborne和David Morrison一起编写的。写这本书的目的就是通过展示以色列及其同盟国不会向伊朗开战的原因来避免全球性灾难,来自西方领导人的近期评论也紧随其后。