【英音模仿秀】彩虹碧空映 初教寒人心(在线收听

模仿文本: Obviously under apartheid, the black population of South Africa was discriminated against heavily when it came to education. But you know, 18 years after full democracy, only, just over 7% of schools in South Africa have libraries that actually have books on the shelves. There're schools that don't have chairs. There're schools that don't have toilets. So in terms of just the infrastructure, things are in a fairly dire state. 
译文: 显而易见的是,种族隔离政策下,南非的黑人群体在教育方面受严重歧视。但是,要知道,完全实行了18年民主政治后,现在的南非,依然仅有7%的学校拥有确实有书的图书馆。很多学校没有桌椅板凳,还有些学校没有厕所。基础设施建设方面处于相当糟糕的状态。 