
   Twenty-six banks involved in a single equity raising sounds like a foolhardy strategy in most parts of the world.

  But not in Asia.
  Here it makes sense to cram on to the ticket of Postal Savings Bank of China’s $8bn initial public offering with more than two dozen rivals.
  在这里,与20多个对手扎堆参与中国邮储银行(PSBC) 80亿美元首次公开发行(IPO)是有道理的。
  A crowded market is not the only thing banks have to contend with in the populous and diverse continent.
  Growth is slowing, costs and risks are higher and bankers face difficult negotiations with clients that refuse to pay the going international rate.
  So why are most of the world’s top banks determined to stay in the region — where they invested heavily from the start of the millennium — when they can make easier money back home?
  Many would argue that they are not.
  Big banks’ cuts in Asia — from Goldman Sachs’ recent cull of 15 per cent of its Asia ex-Japan investment bankers to the sharp reductions that Barclays, Deutsche Bank and Royal Bank of Scotland have taken to their businesses — have been well documented.
  各大银行近来纷纷缩减亚洲业务:高盛(Goldman Sachs)把亚洲(不含日本)投资银行家人数减少15%,巴克莱(Barclays)、德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)和苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)更是大幅缩减业务。
  Eight of the top foreign banks in the region cut front office headcount by between 10 and 15 per cent from 2012 to 2015, according to data compiled by consultant McLagan.
  Guy Mozokowski, a US banking analyst at Autonomous, says: Asia is not something the firms have spoken about much of late — but actions speak louder than words, and we’ve seen reports?.?.?.?that make it pretty clear that the firms are downsizing in Asia investment banking.
  Autonomous的美国银行业分析师盖伊.莫佐科夫斯基(Guy Mozokowski)说:亚洲并非各公司近来谈论很多的话题——但事实胜于雄辩,我们看到很多报告表明……各公司在削减亚洲投行业务。
  But reports of scaling back do not capture the full story, with banks once again looking to grow in certain sectors and countries in Asia Pacific.
  This is perhaps unsurprising in a region where revenues at 12 of Europe’s and the US’s biggest banks have risen by about 15 per cent — to $81bn — in the past decade, according to data from Capital IQ.
  对亚太而言,这或许并不令人意外。资本智商公司(Capital IQ)数据显示,过去10年期间,12家欧美大银行的亚太营收增长了约15%,至810亿美元。
  Barclays is selectively hiring.
  Credit Suisse and UBS are aggressively expanding, particularly in wealth management.
  瑞信(Credit Suisse)和瑞银(UBS)正在大举扩张,尤其是在财富管理领域。
  Standard Chartered is upgrading its talent so that it can serve a broader range of industries.
  渣打(Standard Chartered)正进行人才升级,以便能为更多行业服务。
  Even Goldman, home to the most recent cuts, will not countenance the idea that it is in retreat.
  We have to be nimble, it’s absolutely not about pulling back, says one senior executive.
  We have not pulled out of a single business or region.
  There’s a fascination with the business that does not seem to go away, says Gokul Laroia, Morgan Stanley’s co-chief executive for Asia Pacific on banks’ staying power.
  银行业务具有一种魔力,看起来不会消失,摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)负责亚太业务的联合首席执行官高浩澧(Gokul Laroia)在谈到银行的后劲时表示。
  There is no denying that the market has some unattractive features.
  Fees in Asia are typically 45 to 60 per cent lower than in the US and Europe across deal sizes, according to Dealogic data.
  Lower fee income is exacerbated by the high cost of operating across several jurisdictions, languages and legal systems and the compliance risks, and it is not hard to see why Asia is perceived as a profitability desert.
  So what do Asia-based investment bankers see in the region? To begin with, bankers do not have to make money in Asia for their Asian strategies to work.
  There is an explicit understanding and appreciation that you cannot be a global investment bank without an Asian presence, says Reid Marsh, head of APAC investment banking at Barclays, which has made big cuts in Asia.
  有一种大家心知肚明的观点是,你必须有亚洲业务,才算得上一家全球投行,巴克莱亚太投行业务主管里德.马什(Reid Marsh)说。该行已大幅削减了亚洲业务。
  Bankers say that means the real economics of their businesses is better than the published numbers.
  Others point out that banks can find fee sweet spots — for instance, by advising the US buyer of Chinese assets instead of the (penny-pinching) Chinese seller.
  As for rising competition, while Chinese banks dominate the league tables for total Asian investment banking fees, once Chinese activity is stripped out, the data tells a different story.
  For example, in Asia excluding China, US and European banks have the top four places in the Mergermarket league table that ranks banks by the value of the deals they have worked on so far this year.
  Western banks argue for the exclusion of China on the basis that they do not contest much of the domestic Chinese business, either for M&A or for raising money.