世界名人简介 第158期:伊莎贝尔·阿连德(在线收听

   Isabel Allende is considered to be among the greatest ever Latin American novelists. Her very successful novels are a mix of reality and mysticism. They are often based on her own experiences of life and of being a woman. She travels the world giving lectures and promoting her books. In 2003 she became a US citizen and currently lives in California with her family.

  Allende was born in Lima, Peru in 1942. Her father was the Chilean ambassador. She is a distant cousin of former Chilean president Salvador Allende. Her family moved around a lot when she was young because of the political uncertainty in Chile in the 1960s. She grew up and went to school in Chile, Bolivia and Lebanon, where she learnt English.
  Allende got married when she was 20. She became successful early on and had a variety of jobs. She was a well-known TV personality and a journalist for a feminist magazine. Between 1959 and 1965, she worked for the UN in Chile and Belgium. She also translated romantic novels from English to Spanish, which sparked her desire to write.
  Pablo Neruda, a famous Chilean poet, told Allende she had too much imagination to be a journalist and should write novels instead. In 1981, she started writing her dying grandfather a letter. This eventually transformed into her first best seller 'The House of the Spirits'(1982). Allende was immediately compared to Gabriel Garcia Marquez. More best sellers, awards and international acclaim followed.
  一位著名的智利诗人巴勃罗·聂鲁达告诉阿连德她想象丰富,当记者不合适,应该写小说。1981年,阿连德为她奄奄一息的祖父写了一封信。这封信最终成为她的第一部畅销书——《幽灵之家》(1982)。阿连德迅速成为与加西亚.马尔克斯比肩的人物。更多的畅销书、奖励和国际认可接踵而来。 considered to 被认为是
  例句:Although there is no one 'theory' of strategy, there is what might be considered to be 'mainstream' approaches to strategy.
  2.mix of 混合
  例句:Grids should fit the mix of elements rather than forcing elements to fit the grid.
  3.give lectures 做演讲
  例句:I appear on radio and TV, give lectures, and last year we broadcasted a live feed with cameras showing our fieldwork online, around the clock.
  4.desire to 渴望
  例句:For some people, like athletes, it may come from the desire to compete and to win.