
I wanna ask you what part of the country you come from.
I was raised in Canada.
Guess where it is?
I know where Canada is.
I've been there myself.
You are a travelling slave.
Solomon Northup is an expert player of violin.
I was born a free man, lived with my family in New York...
Be good to your mother.
... until the day I was deceived...
To Solomon.
... kidnapped, sold into slavery.
Well, boy.
How do you feel now?
My name is Solomon Northup.
I'm a free man, and you have no right you whatsoever to detain me.
You're no free man.
You're nothing but a Georgia runaway.
And _____________1____________.*
That's Scripture.
The condition of your laborer is all wrong.
They are my property.
You say that with pride.
I say a fact.
A man does how he pleases with his property.
You come here.
Mr. Epps...
I said come here!
If you want to survive, do and say as little as possible.
Well, I don't want to survive.
I want to live.
I told you no, Solomon!
I did as instructed.
If there's something wrong, there's something wrong with the instruction.
Master bought you here to work.
Anymore you will earn 100 lashes.
I know what it means to be the object of Master's lash.
In his own time, the good lord will manage them all.
I will survive!
I will not fall into despair!
I was a free man.
I'm not a slave.