
We always wanted to feel different unique.
Objective analysis however concluded that ___________1___________.
Everyone’s getting rich – except you!
What seems to be the problem?
We are dying.
Who's we?
Us – ourselves.
And there’s only one of you?
So it would appear.
Qohen, how’s it hanging.
It isn’t hanging at all well.
Ah – sorry.
A fear of death.. fear of life… fear of open spaces… a fear of people…
We see nothing most of all… 
Are you trying to be difficult?
He’s been hand-picking talent to crunch it since before I was hired. Nobody lasts, ___________2___________.
ZERO will be hush-hush.
Zero must equal 100% good luck.
I give him two weeks.
Are you here alone?
We are generally everywhere alone.
You think my dress is incredibly ugly?
My daddy used to buy me incredibly ugly clothes to keep the boys away, only made me want to get naked.
Excuse us.
Zero must equal 100%
Where is this place?
All in your mind. We’re safe here.
Zero must equal 100%
What happened to you, man?
Life happens to everybody, alright.
The only reason you're not laughing is ___________3___________.
You have made a very big mistake.
I don’t believe you.
Why would you want to prove that all is for nothing?
Close your eyes, and now picture it in your mind.
I know we connected somehow, just come with me.
We always wanted to feel the reason for being the meaning of our life.
We connected so we can be together for real.