英语学习乐园:The boss's letter(在线收听

 Can you come  here a  minute please,Bob?

Yes, sir?
Where's  Pamela?
She's next  door.
She's in her  office, sir.
Can she type  this letter for me?
Ask her  please.
Yes, sir.
Can you type  this letter for the boss please, Pamela?
Yes, of  course I can.
Here you  are.
Thank you,Bob.
What's  the matter.
I can't type  this letter.
I can't read  it! 
The boss's handwriting  is terrible!
can  能够
boss n. 老板,上司
minute  n. 分(钟)
ask  v. 请求,要求
handwriting  n. 书写
terrible  adj. 糟糕的,可怕的
ask  名词或代词(宾格)
ask sb. todo sth.