

Andrew: So, I’m here today with my friend Marshall. Marshall, what’s up?


Marshall: Uh, not a lot. I’m being interviewed and that’s nice.


Andrew: Yeah. Thanks so much for agreeing to do this.


Marshall: No problem, my pleasure.


Andrew: We’re recording today in your apartment.


Marshall: Yes.


Andrew: And your apartment is a little bit different than a regular apartment because it’s a loft apartment.


Marshall: Yes, a loft.


Andrew: A loft. And what is the difference between a regular apartment and a loft apartment?


Marshall: I would say that a loft apartment is different in that it has more space. It’s often a space with tall ceilings and less rooms than a normal apartment.


Andrew: Mmhmm. More, like, of an open layout?


Marshall: Yeah. Open concept, I would call it.


Andrew: Nice. Yeah, the ceilings are really high in here. It’s, like, double the height of my apartment, probably.


Marshall: Yeah. I wonder if you can hear the difference.


Andrew: Yeah. There’s probably good acoustics in here.


Marshall: Not the best, actually.


Andrew: Oh, really?


Marshall: You’d be surprised.


Andrew: Yeah. And so, your apartment is really just two rooms but it’s quite big.


Marshall: Yeah. I’d say, compared to many other apartments of my friends, I’d say it’s more, like, square feet. It’s actually more, like, area… more area than other spaces.


Andrew: Yeah.


Marshall: But it’s just mainly one big room
