
   Marriage Rules You Should Break

  The two of you should do everything together; work out every disagreement (without actually fighting); spend every night in the same bed; and never, ever be bored. Say what?! These and other so-called "rules" for marriage need some serious debunking. And it's not just because rules your mother may have passed on are outdated; some may be downright damaging. In fact, "breaking some marriage 'rules' may be the best thing you can do for your relationship," says Barbara Bartlein, psychotherapist and author of Why Did I Marry You Anyway? Here are the rules you can break with confidence.
  1. Never go to bed angry.
  1. 永远不要带着怒气睡觉。
  Where did this one come from? Turns out, it may go as far back as the Bible, which advises not letting the sun go down on your anger. But trying to work through a problem when you're tired and stressed won't get you anywhere, says Elizabeth Lombardo, PhD, psychologist and author of A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness. "Agree to disagree for now, and to revisit the issue when you're rested."
  2. Always be 100% honest.
  2. 总是百分百诚实。
  In marriage, no-holds-barred honesty is not always the best policy. For example, "you don't need to share details of past relationships," says Bartlein. "That invites comparisons, and when you compare, someone comes up short." The bottom line: You need to be polite and caring when it comes to your partner's feelings.
  3. You should never sleep in separate beds.
  3. 永远都不要分床睡。
  Um, snore much? It's a myth that couples always sleep better and more cozily together than apart. One partner may be a toss-and-turner, or one may hit the hay early while the other keeps a reading light burning till the wee hours. So if one of you occasionally decamps to the guest room, don't sweat it. "Getting a good night's sleep is crucial to the health of your mind, body and marriage," says Dr. Lombardo. Just be sure a separate-bed habit isn't about avoiding physical intimacy.
  4. Boring is bad.
  4. 无聊就糟糕了。
  The problem with this so-called rule, says Bartlein, is when couples confuse a calm, predictable union with a bad one. "Better to have a safe, relaxed, 'boring' life together in the everyday. You can always inject excitement with vacations and activities."