双语有声阅读:As imperceptibly as Grief(在线收听

As imperceptibly as Grief
The Summer lapsed away -
Too imperceptible at last
To seem like Perfidy -
A Quietness distilled
As Twilight long begun,
Or Nature spending with herself
Sequestered Afternoon -
The Dusk drew earlier in -
The Morning foreign shone -
A courteous, yet harrowing Grace,
As Guest, that would be gone -
And thus, without a Wing
Or service of a Keel
Our Summer made her light escape
Into the Beautiful.
In this poem, Emily watches summer turning to autumn and reflects on summer’s departure, attempting to explain the circumstances that accompanied that departure. Summer has gone. By describing summer’s leaving as an act of lapsing, she implies that it slowly went and quite smoothly. Actually, it was so smooth and gradual that its final departure was undetectable in the same way that grief’s subsiding is hardly noticeable. 
It seems that a special silence surrounded her after summer was over. The twilight held that “quietness distilled” as if it deliberately intended to wring her emotions as would a strong, intoxicating drink. Mother Nature may also need to spend all afternoon contemplating the differences that the departure of summer will have for her. 
Since summer is gone, nighttime comes sooner; with the arrival of dusk at an earlier hour, she notes the changes are affecting her life. Morning also appears transformed, taking longer for the sun to appear. These changes are not abrupt, but are “courteous”; still they offer a “harrowing grace” and she feels as if a visitor whom she adored had left her home. She observes that summer has the marvelous ability to fly off “without a Wing,” or it can slowly and smoothly sail away without “service of a Keel.”
She then avers that she has no cause for grief. She no longer mourns the loss of summer because she acknowledges that summer leaves behind another beautiful season. Her heart is lifted into beauty after experiencing the pang at losing summer.
夏日悄然远去 - 
不像背信弃义 - 
黄昏早早降临 - 
晨光已然陌生 - 
像意欲离去的,客人 - 