
REMY:The only one who knew about it was Emile.Hey,Emile,Emile.I found a mushroom(蘑菇).Come on,you’re good at hiding food.Help me find a good place to put this.He dosen’t understand me,
but I can be myself  around him.
EMILE:Why are you walking like that?
REMY:I don’t want to constantly (不时地)have to wash my paws(爪子).Did you ever think about how we walk on the same paws that we handle(拿) food with?You ever think about what we put into our mouths?
EMILE:All the time.
REMY:When I eat ,I don’t want to taste everwhere my paws have been.
EMILE:Well,go ahead.But if Dad see you  walking like that ,he’s not going to like  it.
REMY:What have you got there?You’ve found cheese?And not just any cheese.Tomme de chevre de pays(某奶酪)!That would go beautifully with my  mushroom.And,and,and,and...This rosemary(迷迭香)!This rosemary with maybe with a few  drops from this sweet grass.
EMILE:Well, throw it on the pile(堆),I guess ,and then we’ll..You know...
REMY:We don’t want to throw this in with the garbage.This is special.