
 -Serena: Jenny? Hey.

-Jenny: Serena. um, look, you didn't see me here,okay?
-Serena: Yeah, don't worry about it. Just one in aseries of things.  I’ll pretend didn'thappen tonight.
-Jenny: Is everything okay?
-Serena: I’m not sure. Dan surprised me by showing uphere.
-Jenny: well, go, Dan!
-Serena: Yeah, except then he threw me for a loop bychasing after some girl named Vanessa.
-Jenny: No, V.'s Dan's best friend.
-Serena: Yeah, well, they seemed like a little morethan that. they've kind of got a history, don't they?
-Jenny: Sure. but, I mean, Dan's never liked a girllike he likes you. really. I mean, come on. he's at a masked ball, and I thinkhe'd go basically anywhere with you...except for maybe the Ice Capades causethat really freaked him out when he was 5.
-Serena: You know what? I... I think I’ll go and tryto find him.
 I don't know howI’m gonna find anyone. this stupid mask keeps falling over my eyes.
-Jenny: Well, I’d give you mine, but masks come offat midnight, and I kind of need my disguise to get out of here.
-Serena: You know what? You wanna trade?
-Jenny: Sure.
-Serena: Thanks. and here, take this. It's so hot inhere, and you'll probably be cold outside. Here you go. Did you have funtonight?
-Jenny: It was everything I hoped.
-Serena: Good. Okay, let's see. here.
-Jenny: Oh, thanks.
-Serena: Pretty.