美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-01-29(在线收听


This is AP news minute. 

1. President Barack Obama defended his decision to grant clemency convict to legal Chelsea Manning. Mr.Obama made the announcement at the White House Wednesday during his last press conference as president. The president said he felt comfortable justice has been served, and Manning has served a tough prison sentence. 

2. Donald Trump's choice to head the environmental protection agency says that climate change is real. This came during Scott Pruitt 's senate confirmation hearing in response to questions by democrats. Pruitt 's response, breaks with both the president-elect's and his own past statements. 

3. Former president George H.W Bush and his wife Barbara are both in the Texas hospital. The 92-year old was admitted over the weekend for shortness of breath, while Mrs Bush was reportedly admitted as a precaution after experiencing fatigue and coughing. 

4. And the world's oldest penda in captivity reached a major milestone Wednesday, celebrating her 37th birthday in a breeding center in China. The average lifespan for a penda in the wild is reportedly 18 to 20 years. While in captivity, it's 30 years. 

Suzanne Yee Gaffney, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
