美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-02-11(在线收听


This is AP news minute.

1. President Donald Trump summoned bipartisan group of 10 senators to the White House Thursday,  to urge them to confirm his supreme court nominee judge Neil Gorsuch. This comes amid controversy over Neil Gorsuch's comments that appeared to distance himself from Trump. The president reiterated those comments were misrepresented. 

2. The biggest snowstorm to hit the North-east this winter is dumping snow up the Philadelphia to the Boston corridor. More than a foot of snow is expected in some places, cancelling schools and flights and causing numerous accidents.

3. Attorney general Jeff Sessions made his first visit to the Justice apartment Thursday,  shortly after being sworn in at the White House. The senate confirmed his nomination 52-47 on Wednesday,  following a contentious confirmation process. 

4. An unusually colored alligator is baffling residents in South Carolina. The orange alligator have been seen on the banks of a retention pond near Charleston. Experts can't explain its unusual color, but say it will shed its skin and probably return to normal soon.

Suzanne Yee Gaffney,  the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
