美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-02-22(在线收听


This is AP news minute.

1. Army lieutenant general H.R. McMaster is named president Donald Trump's national security adviser. This comes a week after his first adviser general Mike Flynn resigned amid controversy over Flynn's contacts with Russia. 

2. Russia's United Nation's ambassador Vitaly Churkin has died suddenly in New York City. Russian officials tell the Associated Press Churkin became sick in his office at the Russia-UN mission Monday, and was taken to nearby hospital where he died. He was 64. 

3. Anti-Trump protesters are gathering around the country on this federal holiday, to take part in "Not My President's Day" rallies. Protest leaders say they expect thousands take to the streets to show their opposition to the policies of president Trump.  

4. And wigs that can give the  look at president Trump's infamous hairstyle is now in high demand in Austria for carnival attendees. One costume rental in Vienna is taking emergency measures, using their regular blunt wigs and applying their spray in generous quantities, to turn them into Trump style wigs. 

Suzanne Yee Gaffney, the Associated Press with AP news minute.
