
Nion: She's pretty.
Beith: And who's
this? Is this an errant apprentice or captive①?
SnowWhite: The man is helping me.
Gus: We should kill them both.
Duir: He's caused us nothing but trouble.
Gus: Skewer him and leave her to rot②. I don't like killing girls.
Duir: I do.
Gus: Good.
Muir:Leave her alone, Duir.
Nion: He's got nothing. One silver coin and an empty codpiece.
Gort: Two days we sat here. What for? Nothing.
Gus:We should have stayed by the river. What a waste of time!
Huntsman: Cut us down,Beith. I have gold i can pay you. It's not here, it's hidden back in the woods.
Nion: Shut your ugly mug③, huntsman. If you have any pennies, you would have pissed it away on mead④ by now.
Huntsman: Cut me down,then i'll show you.
Nion: Pull the other one, you lying dangler⑤.
SnowWhite: Tell them the truth, huntsman. There's no time!
Huntsman: I have to take this girl to Hammond's. She's not safe here.
Gort:Well, my little heart bleeds for you⑥. We should chop them up⑦ and feed them to the wolves.
All: Yeah, yes!
eith: Who is she?
Huntsman: She's worth a lot of gold to me. Which i am happy to share with you stupid little dwarves⑧.Stop that!
SnowWhite: Gold is worth nothing to any of you if you're all dead! The Queen's men hunt us! They're very close!
Gort: Shut up!
SnowWhite: You have love for⑨ the Queen?
Beith: We have nolove for the Queen.
SnowWhite: Then you fight against her?
Gus: No one fights against the Queen.
Beith: We lost everything when the King died.
Nion: We fight only for ourselves!
1.  errant apprentice or captive小矮人们问猎人白雪公主是一位不着调的学徒还是俘虏,这时小矮人们还不知道白雪公主的真实身份。
errant 英['er(ə)nt] 美['ɛrənt] adj. 不定的;周游的;错误的;偏离正路的
apprentice 英[ə'prentɪs] 美[ə'prɛntɪs]n. 学徒;生手vt. 使…当学徒vi. 当学徒
2.  Skewer him and leave her to rot电影中小矮人把猎人和公主抓了起来,这里是小矮人对同伴说把猎人继续绑着,把公主放了,让她自生自灭吧。
kewer英['skjuːə] 美['skjʊɚ] n. 烤肉叉子;串肉扦;针vt. 刺穿;串住
rot 英[rɒt] 美[rɑt] n. 腐烂;腐败;腐坏 vi. 腐烂;腐败;堕落vt. 使腐烂;使腐朽;使堕落
3. mug  [mʌg] 这里小矮人其实是对猎人说说别骗人了,把你这骗人的嘴脸收起来吧。
mug n. 杯子;脸;苦读者vi. 扮鬼脸,做怪相;行凶抢劫vt. 给……拍照
4.piss away 意为“把……吃下肚”。小矮人戳穿了猎人的谎言,“如果你真有几便士,你早就用来换成蜂蜜酒喝下肚了。”
piss  [pɪs]  vi. 小便vt. 撒尿弄脏n. 小便int. 呸!
mead  [miːd]  n. 蜂蜜酒;草地
5. dangler ['dæŋglə] 因为猎人是被小矮人吊起来了,所以在文中小矮人们用了这个词。
n. 耳环;追逐女人的男人;吊着晃来晃去的东西
6.My little heart bleeds for you.“啊,我真为你所心碎。”小矮人听到猎人说白雪公主在被女王追杀,很不安全,要快点离开逃离女王军队的追捕时,嘲笑了一句。
7.chop up小矮人说完我真为你所心碎后,紧接一句“应该把他们劈成几块喂狼。”本意为“把……切成碎片”,“把……劈成几块”。这里看起来,小矮人的确很凶横。
8. dwarf 英[dwɔːf] 美[dwɔrf] 猎人说小矮人时用的词。
vi. 变矮小n. 侏儒,矮子vt. 使矮小adj. 矮小的
9.love for意为“拥护”,当白雪公主知道小矮人本意不想帮他们时,急忙问:“难道你们拥护的是女王?”其实小矮人是中立派,不喜欢女王也不会与其抗衡,但是之后为了美丽的白雪公主,小矮人们的小宇宙爆发了!