
Mom: It’s okay. I’m here. Oh...you were scratching (v.抓) all night.
Nina: Where’s my clock?
Mom: Don’t worry about that.
Nina: What time is it?
Mom: [安抚] Shoo...
Nina: The show is tonight, I have to...
Mom: No, no, no, no. Don’t worry, I called the theater and I told them you aren’t feeling well.
Nina: I have to go.
Mom: No, no, you don’t.
Nina: Let go of me.
Mom: [强硬] You’re staying here until you feel better.
Nina: Where is it?
Mom: [喃喃自语] This role is destroying (v.毁灭) you.
Nina: Move.
Mom: Nina!
Nina: Move!
Mom: What happened to my sweet girl?
Nina: She is gone.
Mom: You can’t handle this.
Nina: [歇斯底里] I can’t?! I am the Swan Queen. You’re the one who never left the  coffin (n.棺材)! [摔门走掉]