听歌学英语:恋爱物语.吻我吧 Kiss Me(在线收听

Kiss me out of the bearded barley 在芒穗丰硕的大麦田间吻我
Nightly, beside the green, green grass 夜傍时刻,青青草旁

Swing, swing, swing the spinning step 摇摆,摇摆,摇摆回旋的舞步
You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress 你穿那双鞋,我就穿那件裙裳
Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight 哦,在乳色的暮光下吻我
Lead me out on the moonlit floor 领我到月光映照的舞场
Lift your open hand 抬起你张开的手
Strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance 奏起乐团,让萤火虫起舞
Silver moon's sparkling 银色月光正在闪耀
So kiss me 吻我吧

Kiss me down by the broken tree house 在破旧的树屋下吻我
Swing me upon its hanging tire 荡我于悬挂的轮胎(秋千)上
Bring, bring, bring your flowered hat 带着,带着,带着你的花帽
We'll take the trail marked on your father's map 我们去踏上你父亲地图上标记的小径
Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight 哦,在乳色的暮光下吻我
Lead me out on the moonlit floor 领我到月 光映照的舞场
Lift you open hand 抬起你张开的手
Strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance 奏起乐团,让萤火虫起舞
Silver moon's sparkling 银色月光正在闪耀
So kiss me 吻我吧

Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight 哦,在乳色的暮光下吻我
Lead me out on the moonlit floor 领 我到月光映照的舞场
Lift you open hand 抬起你张开的手
Strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance 奏起乐团,让萤火虫起舞
Silvermoon's sparkling 银色月光正在闪耀
So kiss me 吻我吧
So kiss me 吻我吧
So kiss me 吻我吧
So kiss me 吻我吧

Kiss me out of the bearded barley
bearded (植物)有芒的;有胡须的
I don't know the bearded man over there.我不认识那边那个留胡须的人。
I used to visualize scientists as bearded old men.我曾经把科学家都想像成长满胡子的老人。
beard [bi?d] n.胡须 vt.公开反对, 抓住胡须
To my great amusement his false beard fell off.他的假胡子掉下来了,笑死我了。
He bearded his boss and demanded an explanation.他公然蔑视上司,并要求他作出解释。
He didn't dare to beard his superior.他不敢公然与上级对抗。

Strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance
strike up: 开始(演奏, 唱等)
The band struck up as soon as the President stepped ashore.总统一踏上岸,乐队便开始演奏起来。
He struck up a conversation with the girl sitting next to him.他和坐在旁边的姑娘开始攀谈起来。
This is how I struck up an acquaintance with her.我就是这样和她结为朋友的。
They struck up a friendship on their tour of Egypt.他们是在埃及游览时成为朋友的。

Silver moon's sparkling
sparkle n. 闪耀, 火花 v. 闪耀, 冒火花
The film on show doesn't have much sparkle on it.正上映的这部电影非常沉闷。
The wet grass sparkles in the sun.带着水珠的小草在阳光下闪闪发光。
His wit sparkles.他才华横溢。
Her eyes sparkled her pleasure at the compliment.受到恭维, 她眼睛里露出了喜色。

Lead me out on the moonlit floor
lead: v 引导; 领路;领先;导致
She led me into the drawing-room.她带我进到了客厅。
He leads his class in English.他的英语成绩全班第一。
What led him to resign his office?什么事导致他辞职的?
n 导线; 引线;线索, 提示; (戏剧等的)主角, 主要演员
Connect these wires to the leads of the battery.将这些导线接到电池的引线上。
The police haven't got a single lead yet.警察到现在还未获得一点线索。
Who is playing the lead in the play?谁在戏里扮演主角?
