英文歌曲天天唱:Close to me(在线收听

     1970年6月,“Carpenters”的第二张专辑“Close To You”上市发行,没过几个星期主打单曲“Close To You”就登上了排行榜的冠军宝座,还蝉联了四个星期。

i've waited hours for this
i've made myself so sick
i wish i'd stayed
asleep today

i never thought this day would end
i never thought tonight could ever be
this close to me

just try to see in the dark
just try to make it work
to feel the fear before you're here
i make the shapes come much too close
i pull my eyes out
hold my breath away
and wait until i shake...

but if i had your faith
then i could make it safe and clean
if only i was sure
that my head on the door was a dream

i've waited hours for this
i've made myself so sick
i wish i'd stayed asleep today
i never thought this day would end
i never thought tonight could ever be
this close to me

but if i had your face
then i could make it safe and clean
if only i was sure that my head on the door was a dream to
