美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-04-07(在线收听


This is AP news minute. 

1. President Donald Trump held a news conference with King Abdullah of Jordan today in the Rose garden. He said the chemical attack in Syria crossed many lines, and he acknowledged now he had the responsibility for a response. 

2. White House advisory and presidential confident Steve Bannon has been removed from the national security council. An official told the Associated press that Bannon 's removal was not a reflection of any change in his standing at the White House, as one of the president's closest advisors. The former editor of BreitBart news will keep his security clearance. 

3. First lady Melania Trump and queen of Jordan visited a Washington elementary school on Wednesday. The pair participated a biology experiment and an art project. 

4. And in Louisiana, it's all hands-on deck for  new ferry construction for New York city. A new ferry fleet will be put in operation in the Big Apple this summer. 20 new ferry boats will cost around $4 million and will serve several boroughs, including Manhattan and the Bronx. 

Tom Ritchie,  the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
