
 -Dad, please, let me speak. There's something we have to talk about.

-You want to go out into the world. You can.
-I knew you were gonna say that. But, Dad, you gave me your word and you know that I know that a Dracula's word is sacred. That our trust is the core of our...Wait, what?
-I said you can go.
-You're just playing with me.
-No, no, no. You're old enough to drive a hearse now, you're old eough to make your own choices.You can go.
-Holy rabies! Holy rabies!
-爸,让我说句话, 有些事我们得谈谈。
-我们都知道, 德古拉的承诺是神圣的。而且我们相信……等等,什么?