全网最酷美语怎么说:第11期 这个座位被占了(在线收听

   Nick:Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English."

  Nick:今天我们来讲一个phrase是"the seat is taken"就是说,这个座位被占了。这个短语呢是用的非常非常多,尤其是吃饭的高峰期,在图书馆,在其他很多有座位的地方。因为大家都知道很多人想要去给朋友占个座,所以会出现这种情况.比如说我上次去图书馆 ,是要考试我就很难找到座位,再比如说我昨天跑过去.So like yesterday, I went to a dining hall-I went to Scott. And then I tried to find a seat. I went to a seat, as least the seat I thought was available. I went straight there and then I asked that person, "Do you mind if I sit here", and he responded, "No, I'm sorry, the seat is taken."I was so depressed.
  Brad:Yeah, that'll have either in a restaurant like a dining hall. Or as you are saying, we are in the library. Or there is a group of people together. One of them leaves to use the bathroom or whatever. I don't know what they do but they simply just gone for a while.
  Nick:Especially when it comes to a library.You know mid-term or final term. And stuff like that.
  Brad:Yeah, or you have people working together and one person goes sleep. If you were to sit down, that's fine if they didn't say anything. You'd be kinda weird coz that person would come back after. Like pull out the chair right next to you and still work around you. This is still weird that's why we say "sorry, this seat is taken."
  Nick:you have to tell the others-those who want to sit there. Tell them the seat is taken so they wont just sit there this is a super common situation.那Brad刚刚就说,在这个图书馆或者在餐馆之类的这种地方,别人有事了出去一下,或者是出去很久,那个位置就空了。你其实如果坐过去的话就会有点奇怪,比如说那个人回来了,他又搬了张椅子在你旁边,你会觉得很奇怪。因为那个座位本来就是人家坐的嘛,你跑过去占人家位置,所以就是会很奇怪.所以为什么我们可能会说the seat is taken 就是你要告诉人家这个位置被占了,你就不要过来了,我朋友等下会过来.虽然说占座位是种学习的方法,就是说你要学习,先占个座位不然等下没位子坐.当然有些时候如果你要占太久的话其实也不是特别好.善意的提醒,如果要走很久的话,建议可以把东西收一下对吧。等下回来你再看看有没有座位嘛,就不要一直占着这个位置.the seat is taken 就是说座位被占了。今天呢就是这个内容. See you guys next time, bye.
  Brad:bye, everyone.