
On May 17, Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Stuart Jones said, the U.S. is determined to hold Iran accountable for its human rights abuses with new actions. He pointed to the newly released report to Congress detailing U.S. sanctions imposed in connection with human rights abuses in Iran. The report includes the sanctions announced last month against the Tehran Prisons Organizations and its former head Sohrab Soleimani.

5月17日,负责近东事务的代理助理国务卿斯图亚特 琼斯(Stuart Jones)表示,美国决心采取新行动,让伊朗为其践踏人权的行径负责。斯图亚特提到最新向美国国会提交的一份报告,这份报告详细阐述了美国就伊朗践踏人权行径而实施的制裁。其中还包括上个月对德黑兰监狱组织(Tehran Prison Organization)以及该组织前领导人苏赫拉布 苏雷曼尼(Sohrab Soleimani)的制裁内容。

The United States urges our partners around the world to join us in calling out individuals and entities involved in Iran's human rights abuses. Acting Assistant Secretary Jones said, Whether it's imprisoning people arbitrarily, inflicting physical abuse and torture, or executing juvenile offenders, the Iranian regime has for decades committed egregious human rights violations against its own people and foreign nationals, and this pattern of behavior must come to an end.


In addition to Iran's human rights violations, the U.S. remains concerned about Iran's ballistic missile development, which is in defiance of U.N. Security Council Resolution 2231. On May 17 the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control designated seven targets connected with Iran's ballistic missile program, including two senior Iranian defense officials, Morteza Farasatpour and Rahim Ahmadi; an Iranian company; and members of a China-based network.

除了伊朗违背人权的问题外,美国还持续关注其弹道导弹研发的问题,研发弹道导弹违背了联合国安理会2231号决议。5月17日,美国财政部海外资产控制办公室认定7名目标涉嫌参与伊朗的弹道导弹项目,其中包括伊朗的2名国防高官莫尔塔扎(Morteza Farasatpour)和拉希姆(Rahim Ahmadi)、1家伊朗公司和数名在中国运作的某网络的成员。

In a statement, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said, This Administration is committed to countering Iran's destabilizing behavior, such as Iran's development of ballistic missiles and support to the Assad regime...The United States, he noted, will remain vigilant when it comes to Iran.

在一份声明中,财务部部长努钦(Steven Mnuchin)表示,特朗普政府致力于打击伊朗这种破坏稳定的行为,比如研发弹道导弹、支持阿萨德政权……努钦表示,美国在伊朗问题上,将始终保持警惕。

Acting Assistant Secretary of State Jones also said, In addition to the actions taken today, we are communicating to the U.S. Congress that the United States continues to waive sanctions as required to continue implementing the U.S. sanctions-lifting commitments in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. He noted this does not diminish the United States' resolve to continue countering Iran's destabilizing activity in the region, whether it be supporting the Assad regime, backing terrorist organizations like Hezbollah, or supporting violent militias that undermine governments in Iraq and Yemen. And above all, the United States will never allow the regime in Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon.

斯图亚特也表示,除了我们当下所采取的措施之外,我们还在与国会沟通,请求继续豁免一些制裁内容,以继续兑现联合行动计划(Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action)中豁免制裁的承诺。但斯图亚特表示,这样做并不意味着每股继续打击伊朗在该地区破坏稳定活动的决心有丝毫的减损,无论他们破坏地区稳定的行为是支持阿萨德政权、支持真主党在内的恐怖组织,还是支持那些瓦解伊拉克和也门政府的暴力民兵组织。最重要的是,美国将不会允许伊朗政府获得核武器。
