娱乐新天地MV 2006-北欧女精灵 Lene Marlin / What if(在线收听) |
The Best Female Vocal Singer of North Europe--Lene Marlin
(MTV) 2005 album from one of Norway's finest pop artists.This is her third and follow-up album to her previously released, 'Playing My Game' (1999) and 'Another Day' (2003). The later has has now approached 500.000 copies worldwide. The first single, 'You Weren't There', became a No. 1 hit in both Norway and Italy, and the song went on to become the most air-played song in the musical history of her native country. In December 2004, Lene held her first ever live concert tour across Norway, visiting six different cities from south to north. EMI. 2005 Lyrics of the song
What If What if I don't wanna move on If I like it as it is Wanna keep it like this, for a while...forever Just let me lie close to you Don't wanna let you go, don't wanna let you go If I said I want you, if I said I need you If I said I love you, what would you do If I said I want you, if I said I need you If I said I love you, what would you do What if I don't wanna forget Don't want anyone but you Believe me, it's true, for a while...forever Just let me stay here with you I don't wanna leave, I don't wanna leave If I said I want you, if I said I need you If I said I love you, what would you do If I said I want you, if I said I need you If I said I love you, what would you do And I thought I could, let this go I thought I would, but now I know Now I know... If I said I want you, if I said I need you If I said I love you, what would you do If I said I want you, if I said I need you If I said I love you, what would you do 歌手介绍 时隔两年之后,Lene Marlin带着全新专辑《Lost in a Moment》归来。除了在5月底就率先推出的单曲「How Would It Be」已经在挪威等北欧国家各大排行榜上得到肯定,个人更沉溺(「Lost」?)於专辑中节奏相对平稳舒缓的一曲「All I Can Say」…… 一个乾净的嗓音唤醒北欧冰冷气流下之冻结情感,一位爱唱歌的小女生带来温柔的午后暖阳融化厚实冰层,一把空心吉他,一个单纯喜欢唱歌的慾望,一位仍在求学17岁的少女,却始料未及的造成空前轰动,以她诚实简单的旋律唱进全球乐迷的心中。自15岁得到生平第一把吉他开始,敲开Lene的音乐异想世界,将她平时週遭所发生之种种,谱入初创的写作内容中,1999年发行的首张专辑《Playing My Game》,在先锋单曲〈Unforgivable Sinner〉一举蝉连八週冠军,成为挪威有史以来销售量最高、销售速度最快之处女航的推波助澜下,让整个欧洲国家注意到这位小才女,接下来的〈Sitting Down Here〉,接连打开日本与台湾等亚洲国家市场,日本媒体还封Lene为「挪威的宇多田光」,由林忆莲翻唱之中文版「我坐在这里」,加速Lene专辑大破白金销售量,全球近两百万的实力纪录,在欧洲MTV大奖上拿下「北欧最受欢迎艺人」之荣誉,这位邻家小女生突如其来的快速成功,已跃升国际实力创作小天后接班候选人!经过四年的心情沉淀,北国音乐精灵推出第二张作品《Another Day》,安抚全球久候乐迷的心,同名主攻歌立刻被法国年度爱情鉅片「记得我爱你」选为英文版主题曲,江美琪再选动人推荐曲〈Disguise〉翻唱为中文版「I’m OK谢谢」,同时奠定Lene成为全欧才气女歌手的地位! 现已24岁的Lene Marlin,再次藉由她那纯净嗓音带回全新创作《Lost In Moment》,如同Lene说道这是她最私密的专辑,她找回初创第一张专辑时的灵感,连所属唱片公司都不知道这位小妮子在做些什么,Lene想要多些安静与自由的空间,完全不假他手的作出属於自我真情告白!专辑製作群则请到曾与Mariah Carey、Blue、Elton John、AK合作的三人小组Stargate全权操控。带着流畅吉他摇滚声线的〈How Would It Be〉,简洁明亮的乐曲架构,明显感受Lene已趋成熟的个性化精湛表现,脱胎换骨成为摇滚女歌手的架式;踩着讨喜音感带领出〈What If〉,朗朗上口的副歌部分,耐听度十足的具有瞄準排行之实力;如同一道清凉音流划过心田的〈When You Were Around〉,则以Acoustic的方式感动呈现;钢琴之柔美声韵穿绕於〈It's True〉,配合上动人合音之堆迭,交织出感动不已的小品推荐曲!完全不需装扮自己,没有亮丽繁複的音乐润饰,最自然的音乐选择Lene Marlin《Lost In Moment》! ![]() |
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