经济学人:西班牙艺术 普拉多的文艺复兴(2)(在线收听

   In a sensible compromise, entrance to the Prado is free for the last two hours of each day. 作为合乎情理的折中方案,每天最后俩小时进入普拉多是免费的。

  Those who pay 15 euros to come earlier can contemplate Velazquez's “Las Meninas” with fewer jostling tour parties. 要是支付15欧元提前进入,游客就可以避开推推挤挤的旅游团,细细品味委拉兹开斯的《宫娥》。
  Photographs and selfies are banned. 在里面禁止拍照及自拍。
  To counteract young Spaniards' declining interest in the art of the past, Mr Falomir wants to bring in contemporary art inspired by the Prado's collection. 为了抵消西班牙年轻人对过去的艺术作品兴趣的衰减,Falomir先生想要引进受普拉多藏品启发创作的当代艺术品。
  As museums become more and more alike, the Prado's collection remains unique. 虽然其他博物馆在不断趋于相似,普拉多的藏品仍保持着独特性。
  Unlike the Louvre or London's National Gallery, it is not encyclopaedic. 普拉多不像卢浮宫和伦敦国家美术馆那样包罗万象。
  Its core is the royal collection, which reflects the tastes of Spain's monarchs in its Golden Age. 反映西班牙黄金时期君主品味的皇家藏品是其核心。
  That makes it “magnificently unbalanced”, says Mr Falomir. Falomir先生说:“这使得普拉多的藏品呈现‘辉煌壮美式’地失衡。”
  No other museum can count 200 Goyas, 90 Rubenses, 40 Titians or most of the surviving work of Velazquez or Bosch. 没有其他博物馆能拥有如此之多的大师手笔:包括戈雅的作品两百件,鲁本斯的作品九十件,提香的作品四十件和委拉兹开斯及博希遗作的绝大部分。
  To mark the museum's bicentenary in 2019 work will start on an extension designed by Norman Foster. 为了2019年的两百周年纪念日,博物馆将根据Norman Foster的设计展开扩建工作。
  It will include a restored Hall of the Realms, the grandest remnant of the 17th-century palace that once stood on the Prado's site. 这将包括修复一个王国的厅堂,曾坐落于普拉多展区的17世纪最宏伟壮丽的宫殿遗迹。
  Velazquez's “Surrender of Breda” and his five great equestrian portraits will return to the Hall, where they originally hung. 委拉兹开斯的《布列达的投降》和五幅骑士肖像画将回归展厅并挂到原处。
  Some 200 paintings currently in storage will go to the new space. 目前储存着的两百幅油画也将送往新的展区。
  Spain's national self-confidence was shaken by the financial crisis of 2008-09. 西班牙的民族自信被2008-09年爆发的经济危机动摇。
  Many new museums around the country were revealed to be the unaffordable trophies of local politicians. 在国内兴建博物馆成了当地政客负担不起的好胜之举。
  The Prado's lesson for post-crisis Spain is that professionalism, entrepreneurial drive and internationalisation bring rewards. 普拉多给后危机时代的西班牙上了一课:提升专业水平,锐意创新和接轨国际才会带来回报。