娱乐新天地MV 2006-朴实无华的Jack Johnson/ Sitting Waiting Wishing(在线收听

Jack Johnson--Sitting Waiting Wishing

(MV) For a man who gets his biggest kicks surfing the waves and strumming his guitar on a lonely beach in native Hawaii, singer-songwriter Jack Johnson has carved out quite a remarkable career on the mainland. His 2003 album, On and On, debuted at No. 3 on The Billboard 200 and subsequently went platinum on the back of hit single "The Horizon Has Been Defeated." The follow-up, meanwhile, seems destined to shine even brighter. The drifting chords and soft voice are still in place, only now Johnson's instinct for melody has sharpened alongside his ability to self-edit. These small concessions make third album, In Between Dreams, his most conspicuous, particularly on tracks like the three-minute relationship drama, "Sitting, Waiting, Wishing," and "Breakdown," a song he originally recorded for Handsome Boy Modeling School's White People album remade here to reveal its full stripped-down loveliness. Imagine all the coconuts it will buy.
Sitting Waiting Wishing


Now I was sitting waiting wishing
That you believed in superstitions
Then maybe you'd see the signs
But Lord knows that this world is cruel
And I ain't the Lord, no I'm just a fool
Learning loving somebody don't make them love you

Must I always be waiting waiting on you?
Must I always be playing playing your fool?

I sing ya songs I dance a dance
I gave ya friends all a chance
Putting up with them wasn't worth never having you
And maybe you been through this before
But its my first time
So please ignore
The next few lines cause they're directed at you

I cant always be waiting waiting on you
I cant always be playing playing your fool
I keep playing your part
But its not my scene
Wont this plot not twist?
I've had enough mystery.
Keep building me up, then shooting me down
Well im already down
Just wait a minute
Just sitting waiting
Just wait a minute
Just sitting waiting

Well if I was in your position
Id put down all my ammunition
I'd wondered why'd it taken me so long
But Lord knows that I'm not you
And If I was I wouldn't be so cruel
Cause waiting on love ain't so easy to do

Must I always be waiting waiting on you?
Must I always be playing playing your fool?
No I cant always be waiting waiting on you
I cant always be playing playing your fool, foool


没有漂亮脸蛋,没有绝世靓嗓,也不是媒体追逐的焦点。Jack Johnson(杰克·约翰逊)的背景简单纯朴得如他的音乐一样,唯一能拿出来的卖点也只是入行之前曾是职业冲浪冠军。就是这样的不引人注目,却不声不吃打入专辑英国金榜NO.18,发行过两张专辑便成就了2张白金大碟,并获得了第四十八届格醚美最佳流行男声演出提名。各大权威音乐网站给予了他宠爱的评价:Jack Johnson擅长创作气氛好、感觉对的音乐,简单的空心吉他搭配他温煦柔和的嗓音,让人感觉轻松而舒适(AMG);Rolling Stone说他“用音乐打造了一个梦幻国度”;而英国的Q杂志更是评价这个沙滩小子有一副奇妙顺畅的漂亮嗓子。

从小在夏威夷长大的Jack Johnson会走路的时候就学会了冲浪,17岁已经是冲浪界的天才,然而一次意外却使他三个月无法出门,却也给了他三个月抱着吉他创作音乐的时光。2001年他终于踏上了歌坛并相继发行了三张唱片。《梦想之间》是Jack Johnson2005年在洛山矶和夏威夷两地录制完成的最新专辑。在这张专辑里,Jack Johnson把他骨子里带来的海水般的自由简约发挥到极至,只需要吉他和鼓,加上自己的喃喃低语说故事。大海般柔软的歌声加上纯熟的吉他弹奏,与老搭档Adam Topol的鼓、Merlo Podlewski的贝斯再组阵容坚强的铁三角,并二度邀来Mario Caldato Jr担纲制作人,加上来自Animal Liberation交响乐团的好友Zach Gill跨刀弹奏钢琴与手风琴,把生活中最纯正、最朴实的情感融进音乐里流淌出完美的情绪,无论是写给妻子Kim的浪漫情歌“Better Together”还是鼓励乐观迎接人生挑战的“Staple It Together”,或是向生命即将消逝的好友道别的抒情曲“If I could”,一首首轻松惬意、混融民谣、蓝调、雷鬼和Bossa Nova 的清新作品,听起来就像海水磨梭着双脚般柔软顺滑,舒畅悠闲,令人心旷神怡。刚刚度过寒冬的你,面对这样一张阳光四溢,微风荡漾的专辑,如何还能再等待呢?