篮球英文堂 第123期:威少成为EA的封面人物(2)(在线收听

  The sensors here pick up the motion from the markers 捕捉设备能从各个标点处抓到球员的动作
  This captures every single marker connects them in the game in a 3D cage 这里显示的是所有标点,它们会连成一个三维的立体模型
  That 3D cage becomes one of the charaters 3D模型就会被做成游戏里的角色
  Action! It's kind of weird have somebody direct me to play basketball 开拍!感觉有点怪,让别人告诉我做什么动作
  I probably haven't had that since I was little 长大之后基本就没有过了
  I try and keep myself on the down-low 我想尽量淡定些
  I don't wanna try and act like a star-struck little kid but he's an amazing guy 别显得和个追星小朋友一样,但这家伙真的太不可思议了
  And T-pose, You know this is very specific things we need to do to start and end the take, so we put him in the T-pose and do their moves  摆T字,在一次捕捉开始和结束时我们需要一个特定姿势来定格,所以我们让球员摆T字,然后做其他动作
  T-pose I heard that for about one hundred times probably minimum “摆T字”我可能得听了至少100次
  Signature moves are big deals for us 招牌动作是我们的大卖点