听美剧学英语:《淘小子看世界》 Back 2 School - 1(在线收听

Cory, let's go. You want to be late for your first day of high school?

Alan, don't yell at him. He's probably a nervous wreck.

Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad. How are you doing? Hey, Morgan, looking short.

Go back to camp, loser.

Core, you are not...

A nervous wreck? No, because I know my place. I understand where I am in the high school universe. See, I'm starting off a nothing, a zero.

A big burger.

You know how you tell me, "The earlier I do my homework the better on motive stuff"?

You've done homework?

It's a metaphor. But all summer long I bugged Eric about what high school is gonna be like? And I took notes.

Em, impressive.

Thank you. So how do I avoid years and years of abuse and humiliation?

Don't get married. It's a metaphor.

Alright, here's my plan. Today I make friends with the most feared and influential senior in high school-Harley Keiner. And in one masterstroke, I go from lowly first-year victim to Harley's most trusted adviser.

Cor, as proud as I'd be to see you become Harley's toady footstool, you don't have to reinvent yourself for high school.

Yeah, really, relax, go, enjoy it. You don't need a plan. Nobody else has a plan.

Cory, I lost my copy, the plan. I knew I shouldn't have left the old school. I was so cool in the old school. They had no right to pass me, I am an idiot.

See, Shawn's not reinventing himself.

Shawn, are those sideburns?

You...you mean the ones on my face?

It's just that when we saw you yesterday they weren't on your face, were they?

Mrs. Matthews, you just can't accept the fact that Cory and I are growing up. And we are old enough now to buy our own hair.

You've got a glue spot on your cheek.

Words & Information:

wreck: A person who is physically or mentally broken down or worn out. 废人,失魂落魄的人
burger: a Weak, lame, clumsy, not slick person.
toady: A person who flatters or defers to others for self-serving reasons; a sycophant. 谄媚者
footstool: A low stool for supporting the feet. 脚凳
sideburns: 短络腮胡子