2015年CRI 刘汉刘维等五人被执行死刑 俄罗斯总统普京访问埃及(在线收听


Five gang members have been executed in Hubei.

The five, including brothers Liu Han and Liu Wei, are among 34 people convicted of organizing, leading, or participating in a gang.

Members of the group were also convicted of murder charges as well.

The Liu brothers, said to be the ring-leaders of the gang, used their connections to get away with crimes and bribe local officials.

Liu Han was board chair of Hanlong Group, the largest private company operating in Sichuan.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in Cairo for a two-day official visit to Egypt.

He's due to meet with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi later on this Tuesday.

Egyptian media reports are suggesting a number of strategic and economic agreements will be signed during Putin's time there.

Observers are suggesting Putin's visit is part of a new chapter in Egypt's foreign policy.

Egypt's ties with the United States have deteriorated following the army's removal of Islamist president Mohammed Morsi back in 2013.
