2015年CRI 习近平抵达印尼出席亚非领导人会议 广告法修订草案拟更严格限制烟草广告(在线收听


Chinese President Xi Jinping has arrived in Indonesia for an Asian-African summit and activities commemorating the 1955 Bandung Conference.

Xi Jinping is due to deliver a speech to the leaders' meeting in Jakarta where he's expected to lay-out thoughts on how to increase Asia-Africa cooperation.

He's also due to have several bilateral meetings with other world leaders before heading to the city of Bandung to attend events marking the 60th anniversary of the first Asian-African conference.

This is the first time Xi Jinping has been back in Indonesia since October of 2013.

That's when he first put out his vision for the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

Xi Jinping's time in Indonesia follows a state visit to Pakistan which saw him oversee the signing of over 50 bilateral investment treaties connected to the China-Pakistan Economic Cooridor.

Chinese lawmakers are now debating whether to further restrict tobacco advertising as part of an amendment to the country's Advertising Laws.

The new plans would forbid tobacco advertising through mass media and in public places.

The draft is said to be close to what's being required under the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

However, there has reportedly been heated discussion around ambiguities in the wording of the amendment, including how to define a "public venue."

China is both the world's largest tobacco consumer and producer.
