2015年CRI 联合国呼吁向尼泊尔紧急捐助4.15亿美元 我国全力接运滞留尼中国公民(在线收听


The United Nations has launched an appeal for 415-million US dollars in international assistance for Nepal.

It comes as initial assistance is just beginning to reach remote regions near the epicenter of Saturday's devastating earthquake.

Over 5 thousand people are now known to have been killed.

The UN says additional money is needed immediately to help cope with the half-million people still being forced to live outdoors.

Meanwhile, thousands of people have been lining up to board buses to try to leave the capital Kathmandu, amid fears of further aftershocks.

New stats show over 37-hundred Chinese nationals who had been stuck in Nepal following Saturday's earthquake have been evacuated over the last four days.

A number of Chinese airlines have been making additional flights in and out of Nepal to help assist with the evacuation process.
