2015年CRI 中央政府将继续支持香港对外交往与合作(在线收听


Chinese netizens and even media have been used to using Internet slang words in daily life, but recently China's network watchdog asked media to say "no" to vulgar language online.

What's the definition of "dirty words online"?

How often do we use them?

The Chinese central government says it will continue to support the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on foreign exchanges and cooperation.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei says that Hong Kong importance is hard to overstate.

"Hong Kong is a hub of international finance, trade and transportation. Maintaining Hong Kong's prosperity and stability is not only in the interest of China but also in the interest of foreign investors. China's central government will continue to firmly support the region's international exchange and cooperation and protect the interest of foreign investors in Hong Kong in accordance with the law."

Hong Lei says China welcomes all countries to continue to maintain and develop ties with Hong Kong in areas including economy, culture and tourism.

But he notes that Hong Kong affairs are China's internal affairs that foreign nations should not interfere.

His remarks comes after Hong Kong legislative council voted down a motion on universal suffrage for selecting the region's next chief executive in 2017.

The fifth chief executive of the region will thus be selected by the election committee as before.
