2015年CRI 空客集团期望在中国获得更大机遇(在线收听


The cooperation between China and Airbus started back in 1985.

Nine years later, the world's leading plane maker set up its representative office in Beijing.

Tao Wenge, publicity head of Airbus' China branch, says the company has greatly benefitted from China's rapid development over the past decades.

"In 1995, there were only 20 Airbus planes operated in China. But as of this May, the in-service Airbus fleet with Chinese operators now comprises more than 1,100 aircraft. Half of the country's planes with over 100 seats are made by Airbus."

Tao says the cooperation between Airbus and China's civil aviation industry has developed well on track and made-in-China parts have been used in all civil airliner models produced by Airbus.

He notes the cooperation has benefitted both sides.

"This is a win-win cooperation mode. The cooperation with Airbus enables Chinese enterprise in the civil aviation industry to go abroad, learning both the most advanced technologies and business operation methods. On the other hand, the cooperation also helps increase Airbus' fame in China. It's mutually beneficial."

So far, the assembly plant of Airbus in north China's Tianjin City has produced more than 220 A320 planes.

Tao says the success of the project encourages his company to expand business in China.

According to an agreement signed last year between Airbus, Tianjin Free Trade Zone and Aviation Industry Corporation of China, Airbus is to set up an A330 Completion and Delivery Centre in Tianjin, which is aimed at supporting the fast growth of air traffic in China with larger aircraft.

For CRI, I'm Zhao Jianfu.
