2015年CRI 中国国家主席习近平预定9月份访美(在线收听


China's ambassador to the United States, Cui Tiankai, has been expanding on what we can expect from Xi Jinping's trip to the US in September as part of a speech at a reception ahead of the August 1st anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army.

"Highlights abound along the entire visit. Systematic thought has been put into his schedule and activities in the US. This year not only marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of UN, it's also the 70th anniversary of the Allied victory in World War II. As such, there are so many important events, and top leaders will show up. President Xi Jinping will be among them."

Cui Tiankai says numerous organizations and think-tanks have sent out requests for Xi Jinping to speak to them.

He says they're doing their best to try to fit as many in as they can.

"We think its great that the President has been invited to various places. But admittedly, it does give us a headache when trying to make up his schedule, given that his time in the US will be limited. It's going to be very difficult to fulfill every request. But we have been trying to coordinate events where everyone can hear President Xi Jinping talking about China's development and the China-US relationship. We will try to make that happen."

As part of his time in the US this September, Xi Jinping is set to meet with US President Barack Obama.

The two are expected to have candid and in-depth discussions on a wide-range of topics, including areas of bilateral and multilateral areas of concern.

For CRI, I am Xie Cheng.
