2015年CRI 天津爆炸仓库的合法性遭受质疑(在线收听


Many doubts have surrounded how well equipped Ruihai Logistics was in handling hazmat issues, as well as how it passed environmental and safety evaluations.

Zong Guoying with the Tianjin Municipal government says the company's initial business operations did not include dangerous goods.

"It's stated in the company's record that its business management area does not include the handling of hazardous chemicals when it was first established in 2012."

Zong says Ruihui Logistics only became licensed for handling hazardous chemicals less than 2 months ago.

However, the official has been unable to say how long it may have operated its chemical storage business without a license.

Around 700 tons of highly toxic sodium cyanide are believed to have been stored in the warehouse at the time of the blasts.

This would be 10-times the legal limit.

Officials in Tianjin say the company did managed to pass an environmental evaluation.

However, that report has not yet been made public.

He Shushan is the vice-Mayor of Tianjin.

"Ruihai's safety evaluation was conducted by a third party institute called Zhongbin Haisheng, which has a national class-A testing license granted by the State Administration of Work Safety. The government is going to make the company release its environmental evaluation report to the public."

Meanwhile, the ownership structure of Ruihai has also been brought to light.

41-year-old Yu Xuewei, a former executive with the Tianjin Branch of state-run Sinochem Group, is the actual owner of the company, holding 55-percent of the shares through his cousin Li Liang.

34-year-old Dong Shexuan, son of the former police chief for the Port of Tianjin, holds the remaining 45 percent stake in the company, registered through his schoolmate Shu Zheng.

Dong's father died in 2014.

The 34-year old son has since admitted he used his connections to help obtain licenses for Ruihai.

Both Yu and Dong, as well as general manager Zhi Feng and vice manager Cao Haijun, are among the 10 executives already under police custody.

Tianjin Mayor Huang Xingguo says anyone found culpable in connection with the explosions will face punishments, regardless of who they are.

"No matter who you are and with whatever background you may have, we will conduct a thorough investigation and punish you according to the laws. I promise you!"

The State Council has set up a dedicated panel to investigate the explosion.

It's tasked with determining both who will be liable, as well as recommending how much punishment they should receive.

For CRI, I'm Luo Wen.
