万花筒 Kaleidoscope 2007-05-27&29, 美政府秋后算账:华氏911导演遭白宫调查(在线收听

Michael Moore says he didn't believe Sicko would created as much of a stir as his previous films. For one thing he personally appears much less in this film about the American Healthcare System.

I really thought this’ll finally when we have a movie, that's not gonna be controversial. And I can have a little rest. You know, I mean it's about healthcare. It affects everybody regardless of their political strife.

But as things are turning out, that's not exactly the case. It seems wherever Michael Moore goes, controversy, is sure to follow.

The provocative filmmaker riles Conservatives in Fahrenheit 9/11. And so did his targeting of the National Rifle Association and The Gun Culture in Bowling for Columbine. Now his target is the US Healthcare System.

This is Rick. (I was ripping a piece of wood. I grabbed it here and hit the knob.)

The hospital gave him a choice: reattach the middle finger for $60,000 or do the ring finger for $12,000.

A lot of the controversy surrounding Moore as he premiered Sicko at the Cannes Film Festival over the weekend was because he is under investigation in the United States for shooting part of it in Cuba. Moore says he took ailing 9/11 rescue workers there in March to make a point.

The point was not to go to Cuba but was to go to America, it was to go to American soil to Guantanamo Bay and to take the 9/11 rescue workers out there to receive the same healthcare that forgiving the Al-Qaeda detainees.

Nevertheless, Moore and the 9/11 rescuers ended up on Castro side of Cuba. And now the Treasury Department is investigating whether the trip violated the trade embargo against that country. Moore asserts he broke no laws.

I made a documentary. That's a work of journalism. The law says, the journalists can go to Cuba. You don't need permission, you don't need a license or anything.

From the French Riviera, Moore had a message for officials back home.

I'm going back through on my own. And I'm gonna, you know, fight this and you know, I mean, I can not get away with it.

Apart from Cuba, Moore shot footages for Sicko in Canada and Europe, attempting to send a message that America's Healthcare System is driven more by greed than by concern about people's well-being. In Britain, he visited a government-funded hospital.

What do they charge for that baby?

No, no, no, everything’s on

You know, it's not , It's not America.

Sicko is scheduled to open in the United States on June 29th. Moore predicts audiences will find it to their liking.

I wanna guarantee that when people go to see my movie, they are gonna have a great time, it's gonna be entertaining. And it will be over before you know it, painless, and you'll leave the theater, you know, wanting to go, shut down and etch them all.

Brooke Anderson, CNN, Los Angeles.