George VI Delivers His Final Christmas Address to the Britis(在线收听



As I speak to you today I would like to wish you, wherever you may be, a Happy Christmas.  And though we live in hard and 1)critical times, Christmas is and always will be a time when we can 2)count our 3)blessings. I myself have every cause a deep 4)thankfulness for not only by the grace of God, and through the faithful skill my doctors,5)surgeons and nurses have I come through my illness. And I have learned once again that it is in bad times that we value most highly the support and sympathy of our friends.CE





1) critical [5kritikl] a. 危急的

2) count [kaunt] v. 计算,看作

3) blessing [5blesiN] n. 祝福

4) thankfulness [5WAnkfulnis] n. 感谢

5) surgeon [5sE:dVEn]n. 外科医生


